DailyDevotions365 Update

I haven’t been as good as I had hoped on the Daily Devotions project. It was tough getting started, since we were on the road on January 1 coming back from Melbourne. With DH doing most of the actual driving after I couldn’t keep my eyes open after lunch, I got in a nap and then did a journal entry for my Capricorn New Moon Wishes.

(That’s one of my goals for the year — to be more conscientious about the NM Wishes and do them every month.)

Since then I have gotten on the torch three days, but didn’t really produce anything particularly good at any session. So instead I will have to count the many, many hours in the past two weeks of setting up the Art of the Firebird Gallery and adding images to it. It’s a start — I will have to go back and resize many of the images to reduce their size or I will run out of web space far too soon. I also have quite a number of items still to scan/photograph and add in. But if I recall, I have done something on the website nearly every day, so I intend to count that for something.

Incidentally, all of the images I post from DD365 will be in the Gallery, not the blog, though I may post the occasional thumbnail here.

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