Finding Myself in Business

I ran into my next door neighbor, Carla, this evening as she was sitting in the alley behind our condos exercising Dusty-Puppy. We’ve been chatting off and on for some time about my beads and her jewelry, and apparently we’re both about at the same point of setting up in business with our avocations.

After dinner I took my bead cases out there so she could get a look at my work. To make a long story short, I am going to have to replenish the bead set stash, because she wanted to buy a dozen of my sets RIGHT NOW before she goes to the beach for a week. I think it took some restraint on her part not to go grubbing in the singles box as well.

I had to take the sets back so I could note which ones they were in my notebook. I tried to photograph some of them as well, but the lighting was so bad that the pictures didn’t turn out very well. I may post them in my gallery anyway, once I crop and resize them.

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