Yes, good things will come to those with patience.? The show was vastly better today than yesterday.? Foot traffic was definitely higher, and people were evidently in much more of a spending mood.? We had one couple that accounted for probably over half our sales, as it turned out (though I don’t know for certain as I have not totaled up the receipts yet).? They are getting into jewelry making, targeting the RVer market, and both, but especially the gentleman, went wild for my boro sets.? Hooray!? I had been starting to think that no one loved them but me :-).
Min took some pictures of our table.? This is the right side, with my beads:
Mincot’s? necklace didn’t sell, no surprise, but it drew a LOT of attention to our work:
Lastly, here’s me at the booth:
I don’t have definite numbers yet.? I’m too brain-dead to dare run them tonight!? But things look like they ended up doing fairly well, and I’ll do a more thorough recap in a day or two.
Great booth set up there lady! I’m glad you guys had good sales today. Always best to end on an UP note, eh?
Thanks, sweetie!! I should add that the display is 95% Frosty’s, and that she makes a good partner in the Criminal Temptation of the Bead Buyer.
The RV-ing couple were really something! Aside from the bracelet of mine that he bought, I got the feeling that he was SO enamoured of your boro sets that he bought some of my beads just to even out the sales … but his heart was SO in the boro sets. I was cheering–someone loved them! And the more you sell, the better for both, and vice versa.
Good show … now I am going to SLEEP!