If the nightingale will not sing, wait

Yes, good things will come to those with patience.? The show was vastly better today than yesterday.? Foot traffic was definitely higher, and people were evidently in much more of a spending mood.? We had one couple that accounted for probably over half our sales, as it turned out (though I don’t know for certain as I have not totaled up the receipts yet).? They are getting into jewelry making, targeting the RVer market, and both, but especially the gentleman, went wild for my boro sets.? Hooray!? I had been starting to think that no one loved them but me :-).

Min took some pictures of our table.? This is the right side, with my beads:

Right side of the booth

Mincot’s? necklace didn’t sell, no surprise, but it drew a LOT of attention to our work:

Lastly, here’s me at the booth:

Me beside the booth

I don’t have definite numbers yet.? I’m too brain-dead to dare run them tonight!? But things look like they ended up doing fairly well, and I’ll do a more thorough recap in a day or two.

2 thoughts on “If the nightingale will not sing, wait”

  1. Great booth set up there lady! I’m glad you guys had good sales today. Always best to end on an UP note, eh?

  2. Thanks, sweetie!! I should add that the display is 95% Frosty’s, and that she makes a good partner in the Criminal Temptation of the Bead Buyer.

    The RV-ing couple were really something! Aside from the bracelet of mine that he bought, I got the feeling that he was SO enamoured of your boro sets that he bought some of my beads just to even out the sales … but his heart was SO in the boro sets. I was cheering–someone loved them! And the more you sell, the better for both, and vice versa.

    Good show … now I am going to SLEEP!

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