Organizing my life

During Christmas break I kind of got on an organizing kick, and so far it’s working out well.? I cleaned off both desks (home and office) and so far they are pretty much staying clean.? Rather than papers piled EVERYWHERE, they are corralled in the paper trays.? I set up Google Calendar in conjunction with Remember the Milk for an online calendar/to-do list and they are working quite well, especially once I started compulsively putting ALL the to-dos in RtM.? Sure, I don’t necessarily do everything when I say I’ll do it, but then it sits there and nags me to do it until I do so.

I even put “scoop the litterbox” and “write blog entry” in there as recurring events, so I get an every-other-day reminder on the litterbox (which keeps it from getting so stinky I then go into avoidance mode), and a three-times-a-week reminder on the blog so that SOMETHING gets written every week.

Little steps, little steps, keep at it and make things habits.

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